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Environmental Intelligence
Research and Innovation Action
Grant Agreement n. 101017940


I-Seed aims at developing a new generation of self-deployable and biodegradable soft miniaturized robots, inspired by the morphology and dispersion abilities of plant seeds, to perform a low-cost, environmentally responsible, in-situ detection of key environmental parameters in air and topsoil.

The project has been funded under the FET Proactive Environmental Intelligence call (FETPROACT-EIC-08-2020) of the European Commission Horizon 2020 workprogramme, in subtopic B: Radically novel approaches to resilient, reliable and environmentally responsible in-situ monitoring, which looks especially for ground-breaking concepts for monitoring, analysis and management of critical resources in Europe.

By merging scientific research and technology desing across the areas of bioinspired robotics, material science, artificial intelligence, mathematical modelling and hyperspectral imaging, I-Seed will build a radically new dynamic scenario for analyzing and monitoring air and topsoil environments and their interface, extending environmental sensor networks and filling existing gaps of data analysis systems.
